Proof that the COVID vaccine is dangerous

What I'm going to share with you are irrefutable statements (and proof) from some of the world's top biologists, biochemists, virologists, cardiologists, epidemiologists, toxicologists, current and former vaccine makers, and doctors from internal medicines, big pharmaceutical companies and the biotechnology sector. Here are five facts on COVID that people don’t know about and here is a must-see: this ICU nurse, who has been a traveling COVID crisis nurse since April of 2020, reveals information on COVID treatments that no one is talking about and how we are being lied to:

We're living in a time where you're both definitively and passionately placed into one of four categories right now:

1. You've gotten the vaccinations and feel confident about your decision.

2. You've gotten the vaccinations and feel scared, angry or both as you were forced out of fear and/or coercion due to work or community mandates and/or pressure from family and friends.

3. You've yet to make up your mind as to whether you will be getting the vaccinations and are waiting for more information and time to pass.

4. You're absolutely not going to take the vaccinations no matter what it comes down to and feel confident in your decision.

That's it. As you're reading this, you are one in one of those four categories above and while collectively we are at the point that “his” and “her” opinions no longer matter, and to be honest, they never should have, you have to solely rely on diligent research and facts.

Let me be clear: where you’re seeing pressure and mandates to inject something into your body, mind you, such as this that is experimental and contains ingredients that are being used in humans for the first time in history, this should never be taken lightly.

Many of us first said this was manufactured in a lab. Many of us said if we kept complying, vaccine passports would become a thing. Many of us said that after being "fully" vaccinated with 2 shots, there would be more required and we were laughed at as booster #3 is being rolled out for even “extra” protection. We were told through numerous writing and video documentation that if you got fully vaccinated, you would not contract COVID, you would not be able to spread COVID, or you would not end up in the hospital. We were told that if you were fully vaccinated, you would no longer need to social distance or wear masks.

Now our children are being forced into mask mandates and social distancing, again, while those preaching about this are having gatherings by the hundreds and thousands with neither masking nor social distancing in sight. We’re seeing billions spent on advertising in both a sick and scary way that we’ve yet to see in history - with free food, free giveaways, and lottery winners. We are seeing severe censorship at the most dangerous level that if anyone disagrees with mainstream media, they are immediately taken down, hence, why the interviews and information I'm about to share with you are incredibly hard to find.

Thousands of doctors and nurses who were considered heroic last year for their work in the front lines with COVID are refusing to take this vaccine. They’re being fired or being given ultimatums and warnings should they speak about vaccine side effects with any of their patients.

We have previous and current vaccine makers who are getting fired from coming forward with evidence of urging others not to take this. Medical professionals and experts are losing their livelihoods, getting death threats, making zero profit off of sharing warnings (with proof).

Please take the diligent time to read, listen and pull apart what the majority of the world is trying to keep hidden.

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This doctor gives the best explanation of why the vaccine is making things worse

The best 6 minute explanation that anyone can understand is at this link.

Let’s start with a former Pfizer employee who confirms poison in the COVID vaccine. She shares how graphene oxide was left off the patent as "it's poisonous to humans and well known that it's poisonous to humans". As discussed on the highly acclaimed Stew Peters Show, people who don’t want the vaccine aren’t refusing it. You don’t say a person is “refusing” to take anti-depressants. Or “refusing” to get married. You can decline without refusing. You decide what’s best for you.

Refuse is a manipulative term, loaded from unfair moral pressure.

Please watch this entire disclosure here.

Doctor who was pro-vaccine changed his mind

He said about the vaccine that, "This is far and away the most lethal, toxic, biologic agent ever injected into a human body in American history ... and it's going strong."

Dr. Peter McCullough who is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine. Interestingly enough, Dr. McCullough was originally a proponent for this vaccine. However, after seeing adverse reactions in patients, has come out adamantly against the vaccine. In January, he already had 186 deaths from the vaccine (of course, this is only at one particular location) - the threshold of concern is about 150. Dr. McCullough felt the vaccine program should have been shut down in February of 2021 (again, he first stood behind the Covid vaccine).

"What is this vaccine? Is it experimental investigational genetic material? It is. Does it code for a weapon of bioterrorism? Yes." A shorter interview conducted by Dr. Peter McCullough can be viewed below: at this link

Pfizer had an increase of $9.1 billion in revenue but more interestingly their heart failure drug (Vyndamax) is up 77% and blood clot drug (eliquis) is up by 13% due to their side effects.

Former Pfizer chief scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon. "So basically everything your government has told you about this virus, everything you need to do to stay safe is a lie; every part of it." This can be viewed here.

Doctors are publicly coming out against the COVID vaccine

There are so many unanswered questions when it comes to the COVID vaccine. One of them compares this vaccine to the swine flu one. Food for thought: 25 people died during the swine flu vaccine program and it was shut down. Immediately. Watch this brave doctor's interview here.

Dr. Robert Malone, MD, MS Physician Scientist, Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology "What is antibody-dependent enhancement? It's that the vaccine causes up the virus to be more infectious then would happen in the absence of vaccination, would cause the virus to replicate at higher levels than in the absence of infection. This is the vaccinologists worst nightmare." Watch Dr. Malone's incredible interview here.

Dr Charles Hoffe, M.D. has been quoted as saying that “these shots are causing huge damage and the worst is yet to come.” He has been performing D-Dimer tests on his MRNA “vaccinated” patients and has worryingly identified 62 percent of them as having microscopic blood clots: “These people have no idea they are even having these microscopic blood clots. The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot re-generate. When those tissues are damaged by blood clots they are permanently damaged.”

 Read more and watch here where he talks how there are 40 trillion messenger RNA molecules in a single dose in a Moderna vaccine. 

COVID tests also have a suspect ingredient

How are you being tested for COVID? Do you know what ethylene oxide is? Watch here to see what is on these tests

The medical community is being censored

A former registered nurse who has come forward on the lies and scandals that have taken place during the pandemic, has tens of thousands of medical professionals weigh in on their thoughts (please note, the original post with 25,000+ comments from doctors and nurses speaking out was taken down).

Another thread was put up. The censorship should alarm you of individual testimonies and individual experiences are being removed as "misinformation". You can view these here. 

Mandated vaccinations

All roads lead to the vaccine. There are already places in southeast Asia and Europe that are laying the groundwork for a compulsory vaccination. I mean required, mandatory.

That means somebody pins you down to the ground and puts a needle in you. That's how bad stakeholders want vaccination." Dr. Peter McCullough in another mind blowing interview that can be watched here.

At this point you may be thinking, "Why share another of his?" Not only is he a Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine and Board Certified Internist and Cardiologist and President Cardiorenal Society of America and Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and Editor-in-Chief, Cardiorenal Medicine and Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology but he was first open to this vaccine but quickly removed his backing after seeing the deaths and adverse reactions to his patients. 

Staggering stats

More poisonous proof from the vaccine vials themselves.

"That's virtually 99.99% graphene oxide,” says Dr. Jane Ruby. You can watch Dr. Jane Ruby's interview here.

As of August 6, 2021, here are updated numbers official number of injuries and deaths post-injection from the “emergency authorized vaccines” for COVID-19, and the statistics are staggering. 

Finally, for my fellow believer friends, have we been warned from Heaven? Yes we have. You can view those here

I know COVID is real and I know many have lost loved ones

Just for the record: I know this virus is real and taking lives. I do not think I'm immune or invincible to contracting it. My only “personal” experience of loss is two distant family members who passed away, their deaths being marked as COVID when it was false. I want to share that I pray for every single person and family suffering from this.

I’m not advocating for anything other than freedom and informed consent as I have received several hundred personal messages from those suffering post inoculation.

I'd like to end this by sharing that my husband is fully vaccinated and 100% happy with his informed decision. I am not nor will I be vaccinated and I am 100% happy with my informed decision. We are both adults entitled to our own medical freedom and choices for our own bodies.

Your body does not belong to the government. Unfortunately we're seeing most (not all), but at this point people begrudgingly getting inoculated due to coercion from work or pressure from family and friends - mind you, to have “their freedom” and/or keep their jobs.

This is not freedom, but rather a travesty.

As always, I will continue to pray for both my discernment as well as your discernment in these unprecedented times. We cannot dismiss the very fact that every family’s needs are different which result in different decisions, but only you know best for yourself and your children:

  • Not the government

  • Not any organization

  • Not any school or institution

Do not forget that forced vaccinations violate:

-The Nuremberg War Crimes Code

-The Geneva Convention

-The UN Charter

-The Int'l Criminal Court Laws

-The US Constitution

Please continue to pray for all of those suffering from COVID and for those suffering from injecting themselves with these vaccinations. The side effects and reality of death from both are real.

Stop the spread of fear and unmask the truth, Friends.

Regan Long

Regan Long is a mother of 5, author, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and paid family leave advocate. Regan founded The Real Deal of Parenting, an online platform that provides heartwarming and witty content to millions of readers worldwide, a large percentage of those being mothers.

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